What should the customer know about your pricing?

We offer very fair pricing for a top-quality finished product! There is a high level of craftsmanship in every detail, including masterful stone work, wood work, and plant care. Ben Franklin said "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten." Your home in Marin deserves the very best care. When you work with us, we’ve got you covered! We will restore order, harmony and balance to your outdoor sanctuary.

With so many great landscape companies in the Bay Area, why should a homeowner choose Pacific Garden Artistry?

Our unique advantage starts with company founder Rich Sandifer, whose passion for quality outdoor environments and love of California inspires every company decision. For example, the decision to be focused on attention to detail, to create a legacy of long-lasting customized landscape installations that complement the terrain while withstanding the test of time, and to offer convenience, simply put, an "ease of doing business". When our team of landscape craftsmen brings your project to fruition, you will realize the benefit of hiring a licensed professional contractor who blends creativity with practicality. We provide artistry and craftsmanship, open communication, and a great experience overall! Our team will produce a paradise beyond your expectations, manifesting the garden landscape of your dreams. Our thoughtful and open-minded approach will integrate your wishes for a haven from the busy world, with a sanctuary where you will recharge and revitalize your spirit while connecting with friends, family and colleagues.

Wouldn’t you like to generate positive feelings, improve quality of life, and lower stress levels? Walking throughout your healthy garden, spending time with plants, birds, and butterflies in nature, has been scientifically proven to increase wellness, attention and memory. Blood pressure decreases, the brain’s dopamine production increases.

What is your typical process for working with a new customer?

First, an introductory phone call to learn more about the project. Second, a visit to the property/site for measurements and to see the existing landscape. Third, we draw up an estimate for the the prospective client’s project. We can send it via e-mail and follow up by phone, or visit in person to review the details together. We are looking for clients who value creativity and expertise. Our goal is a quality working relationship: open communication, truthful assessments. If you are looking for a contractor that you can relate to, we believe you will truly enjoy our company!

What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

I am a Master Gardener. This rigorous training covers all aspects of plants, pests, soil, irrigation, pruning, and the importance of our community and its role in being a steward of the land, conserving water and minimizing the impact of our activity on the ecosystem. I have a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts. Over time I have developed a keen eye for the landscape this plays out with color, shadow, texture and movement...where the eye is drawn. Color palette is arranged with trees, plants, flowers, stone, wood, and mulch. I have trained with the CSLS (Contractor’s State Licensing School) and the CLCA (California Landscape Contractor’s Association).

How did you get started doing this type of work?

Building a Japanese meditation garden for a friend. It had dry-fit stone walls, brick paths, flowering trees and a fish pond with a waterfall. Landscaping quickly became a passion.

What types of customers have you worked with?

Residential customers from all over Marin. Most of the customers we work with have some idea of how they want to improve their landscaping, but overall they have counted on us for expertise and creative input.

Describe a recent project you are fond of. How long did it take?

Our most impressive project to date is in Sausalito. It was a young couple that recently purchased the house, and they wanted to start from scratch without breaking the bank. The lot was an overgrown mess! We completely transformed their property with retaining walls, patios and flower beds in a cost-effective manner. They tripled the usable space in their landscape, just in time for the birth of their first child!

What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

Like and trust your landscaper! Good communication is key to avoiding headaches, so don't be afraid to be specific in your desires, dreams and expectations.

What questions should customers think through before talking to a professional about their project?

They should ask, “What ideas have I been dreaming of? How do I really want to live in my outdoor space? What landscape ideas have I seen in my neighborhood, in my travels, or in a magazine, that I really liked!? What was I responding to most in those landscapes? What features do I definitely want? Not want? What is my budget range?”

What steps does PGA Landscaping take to conserve water and minimize human impact on the native ecosystem?

Company owner and staff are trained in the latest techniques to organically improve soil quality, manage pests with natural predators, install high-efficiency drip irrigation, and feed beneficial birds and insects who are a key part of the pollination chain.